
Little Big Town - Girl Crush 中文歌詞

Lyrics Video Ver.

Music Video Ver.

Little Big Town 
Girl Crush 我真羨慕她

I gotta girl crush, hate to admit it but

我不得不羨慕那個女孩 即使不想承認但
I gotta heart rush, ain’t slowin’ down
我的心不得不因此而加速 沒辦法停止
I got it real bad, want everything she has
我真的很渴望擁有 她所擁有的一切
That smile and the midnight laugh she’s givin’ you now

I wanna taste her lips, yeah, ‘cause they taste like you

我想要嘗嘗看她的雙唇 因為有你親過而留下的感覺
I wanna drown myself in a bottle of her perfume
I want her long blonde hair, I want her magic touch
我想要她一頭秀長的金髮 我想要她魔法般的肌膚觸感
Yeah, ‘cause maybe then, you’d want me just as much
對啊 也許這樣的話 你就會同樣的也需要我
I gotta girl crush, I gotta girl crush
我不得不羨慕那個女孩 羨慕她能夠佔據你的心

I don’t get no sleep, I don’t get no peace

我沒辦法好好的入眠 我無法感到安寧
Thinkin’ about her under your bed sheets
The way that she’s whisperin’, the way that she’s pullin’ you in
在你耳邊輕聲細語的樣子 將你迷得神魂顛倒的方式
Lord knows I’ve tried, I can’t get her off my mind
老天知道我已經努力了 就是沒辦法忘懷於她

I wanna taste her lips, yeah, ‘cause they taste like you

我想要嘗嘗看她的雙唇 因為有你親過而留下的感覺
I wanna drown myself in a bottle of her perfume
I want her long blonde hair, I want her magic touch
我想要她一頭秀長的金髮 我想要她魔法般的肌膚觸感
Yeah, ‘cause maybe then, you’d want me just as much
對啊 也許這樣的話 你就會同樣的也需要我
I gotta girl crush, I gotta girl crush
我不得不羨慕那個女孩 羨慕她能夠佔據你的心

I gotta girl crush, hate to admit it but

我不得不羨慕那個女孩 即使不想承認但
I gotta heart rush, ain’t slowin’ down
我的心不得不因此而加速 沒辦法停止